West Virginia Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals

2021 Legislative Session Proclamations

The first day of the West Virginia Legislature is February 10, 2021.  This is an important and eventful time in education, and the West Virginia Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals believes many important programmatic/structural legislation may occur. 

The WVAEMSP works with West Virginia policymakers to recommend and support educational topics such as assessment, attendance, discipline and assessment issues, professional salaries, and PEIA benefits.  We strongly believe that in this year, our children, in response to Covid related issues, need effective learning opportunities, a safe and protective environment, and efficient physical, behavioral and mental health services. 

We adamantly believe that the 2020 pandemic has created the need for school supports of extended leaning times, improved access to internet service for all along with  modern ventilation systems and educational facilities.  During this time of uncertainty, the WVAEMSP supports the proper funding of public schools and adamantly opposes school vouchers, charter schools and loosening of child–protective requirements in home schools which are unnecessary and dangerous for educating children in our state.

The West Virginia Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals recognizes that 2021 is a year of vital support and development of programs and content for students and educators throughout our state.  Although many financial challenges exist, it is imperative that our Governor and Legislature resolve to support and properly fund public education.  The WVAEMSP strongly supports the following:

  1. The WVAEMSP strongly believes school and student safety is the most important factor for West Virginia children.  We strongly recommend each West Virginia school have a full-time principal and assistant principal in place to assure need areas in safety, achievement and community relations may be properly addressed.
  2. We strongly believe that 2021-2022 school funding should remain at pre-pandemic levels and that NO tax reforms be put into place without a thorough study of legislative actions and effects on state and county systems, including delivery of services for students and staff.
  3. No reduction in PEIA financial support of services from the State of West Virginia, including a reinstatement of accrued sick days for the application of retirement or insurance benefits.
  4. Professional pay for all professional educators and support staff.
  5. A refusal to implement school vouchers (school education accounts), and modifications to current charter school legislative.
  6. A long-term plan to recognize, respect, recruit and promote the profession of education and teaching throughout West Virginia to career-minded adults and students, and support for funding of reading, textual literacy, arts programs and school libraries.

WVAEMSP 2021 Educational/Governmental Resolutions

  • Whereas the WVAEMSP supports students’ need for school safety, and recognizes that effective behavioral and mental health practices begin at an early age, and whereas the WVAEMSP supports the cognitive, emotional and social well-being of the children of West Virginia and recognizes these qualities contribute to a positive and contributing citizenry:
  1. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to provide the full financial funding of school counselors to the students of West Virginia with a full-time counselor in every school and strongly recommend each West Virginia school have a full-time principal and assistant principal in place to assure need areas in safety, achievement and community relations may be properly addressed.
  • Whereas the WVAEMSP supports the current benefit packages provided to public employees and acknowledges that they have been provided in lieu of salary raises in the past, and that any reduction of these benefits and the lack of pay increases in relation to neighboring states and costs of living increases are equal to systematic and purposeful decreases in compensation and respect for public education:

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to support professional pay increases for all employees in the West Virginia educational system, and the recognition by all governmental agencies including elected officials, of the importance and respect for public schools, students and staff.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to provide the full financial funding of PEIA benefits package.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to not reduce educational funding of West Virginia Public Schools in 2021, or to divert funding to charter schools or educational vouchers for any child.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to reinstate the practice of accruing unused sick days to retirement or insurance purposes. 

  • Whereas the WVAEMSP supports the removal of inauthentic and one size fits all accountability:

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to support a fair and relevant accountability process that accurately reflects a school’s performance with a variety of measurable objectives, not a single, one day test result or punitive attendance and discipline policies.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP supports Governor Justice and the WV Legislature continue to implement student engagement time as opposed to the instructional day as the standard measure of instructional time.

  • Whereas the WVAEMSP supports the public school structure that has successfully and continuously provided a comprehensive system of cognitive, emotional and physical support to the children of West Virginia:

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP advocates Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to support the existence of public schools and their financial stability by denying legislation that would allow the existence of school vouchers and disallow funding for charter schools from taxpayer funded resources.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the WVAEMSP advocates Governor Justice and the WV Legislature to recognize critical staffing issues and support the existence of public schools personnel by creating a long-term plan to recognize and promote the profession of education and teaching throughout the State to career-minded adults and students at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Furthermore, in assessing the financial requirements of a balanced budget, the WVAEMSP recognizes that certain services and programs may be affected.  However, the State must ensure that if structural changes occur, the providing of the services must continue.  We, the West Virginia Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals, pledge to work with all legislative organizations to provide a proper and professional education for the children of West Virginia.