About Us

The West Virginia Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals is the largest association of administrators in the state. Our membership may include middle school and elementary principals, assistant principals, curriculum specialists, central office administrators and aspiring principals.

The WVAEMSP is the state branch of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. The NAESP, founded in 1921, is a professional organization serving elementary and middle school principals and other education leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas.

The WVAEMSP helps principals face many challenges in leading for the 21st century. Transformations in school systems and communities in the U.S. and around the world have greatly expanded the leadership role of principals and we advocate to support principals in their needs to be successful 21st century leaders—to achieve the highest results for children, families, and communities.
And, we support the continual development of our members—principals in many different stages of their careers—through benefits, and awards.

As your representative the WVAEMSP will do the following:
• Serve as an advocate for children and youth by ensuring them access to an excellent education;
• Sustain and promote high professional standards and leadership among school administrators;
• Heighten public awareness of elementary and middle school education as the foundation for all future academic achievement;
• Serve as a state and national representative for elementary and middle-school education to Congress, the Executive Branch, state and federal agencies, the news media, researchers, educators, and other education and child advocacy groups;
• Serve as an advocate for the professional tenets and priorities of school administrators;
• Ensure that education continues to be recognized as a matter of national priority.


Executive Director: Mickey Blackwell, Ed.D. Box 4785, Charleston, WV, 25364 mblackwell@wvprincipals.org 304-610-6680

President: Cathi Bradley, Principal, Kanawha City Elementary School: CLBRADLEY@mail.kana.wv.us

Past President: Dr. Sara Stankus, Principal, Union Elementary School, Upshur County: sstankus@k12.wv.us

Vice President: JoDee Decker, Principal. Nutter Fort Intermediate School, Harrison County: jkdecker@k12.wv.us

Secretary: David Decker, Principal, Salem Elementary Elementary School, Harrison County ddecker@k12.wv.us

Treasurer: Deborah Starr, Principal, Kermit PK-8 School, Mingo County:dstarr@k12.wv.us

National Representative: Open

Federal Relations Coordinator: Open

Executive Committee Members: Jennifer Cox-Principal, Skyview Elementary School, Monongalia County: jacox@k12.wv.us

Vicki Huffman, Principal Johnson Elementary School, Harrison County: vjhuffma@k12.wv.us

Kelly Haynes, Principal, Kanawha County: ehaynes@mail.kana.k12.wv.us

National Distinguished Principal: Jennifer Cox-Principal, Skyview Elementary School, Monongalia County: jacox@k12.wv.us