2020 National Distinguished Principal Award

Principal Alicia Lett of Raleigh County
Named National Distinguished Principal of the Year

The West Virginia Association for Elementary Middle School Principals (WVAEMSP) is proud to announce Ms. Alicia Lett of Cranberry-Prosperity Elementary School in Raleigh County, West Virginia as the 2020 West Virginia Principal of the Year and recognized as a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary Principals (NAESP) in accordance with October as National Principals Month

Ms. Lett was notified of the honor at a surprise assembly at her school with all staff, Raleigh County Schools Superintendent David Price and WV Board of Education President Miller Hall in attendance, along with Raleigh County Central Office staff, Board members and others, all socially distancing, but celebrating her achievement.

“It’s just really hard to believe honestly. I work with so many awesome people here. I have the best staff. In Raleigh County, our principals are the cream of the crop and so to be a part of it feels like this isn’t just an individual award, it’s really truly a school and county award.” Lett said to local media. “Like I said, this isn’t a National Distinguished Principal award, it’s a school award,” Lett said. “This staff goes above and beyond every day. I have crazy ideas and they are crazy enough to go along with me.”



National Distinguished Principal Award Honorees

2020 Alicia Lett
2019 John Jorden
2019 Debbie Starr
2018 Cathy Bradley
2018 Renee Warner
2017 Jennifer A. Cox
2016 Carole A. Crawford
2015 Betty J. Moore
2014 Terry A. Sauvageot
2013 Sara J. Lewis-Stankus
2012 Diane K. Hull
2011 Boyd C. Mynes, Jr.
2010 Terry M. Nelson
2009 Dean M. Warrenfeltz
2008 Michael D. White
2007 Dreama S. Bell
2006 Bruce A. Kolsun
2005 Barry S. Band
2004 Alice D. Tenney
2003 Freda A. Harless
2002 Sylvia K. Goodson
2001 Brenda J. Valentine
2000 Rosalee H. Dolan
1999 Darlene S. Dalton
1998 Harold J. Cunningham
1997 Carol Hager
1996 Leonard J. Allen
1995 Philip B. Brown
1994 James P. Brannon
1993 William C. Fox
1992 Gregory M. Kuhns
1991 Peggy C. Hawse
1990 Rodney P. Woods
1989 Vincent R. Delconte
1988 John W. Ritchey
1987 Frank D. Devono
1986 Janet C. Crescenzi
1985 Lois S. Casto
1984 Robert Kenton Cutlip